Ready to book?
Ready to book? Scroll to the bottom of the page to see your options and available dates with easy booking. Want to know more? Read my recommendations for each session type below. Need even more info or want to see sample images? Click on each title to see more.
Outdoor and in-home dates are currently booking through May. Studio dates are open through late-April. If you are interested in something beyond those dates, please reach out to me directly.
NEWBORN SESSIONS: Select a date 2-3 weeks after your due date. If baby arrives extra early, or late, or you need more time to recover, we can re-schedule you once the baby is born. If you are less than 6 months pregnant and do not see dates available yet for your timeframe, please reach out directly. I am currently taking a limited amount of Fresh 48 hospital newborn sessions at CMPC and UCSF in San Francisco and Marin General in Marin. Please contact me for more details.
MATERNITY SESSIONS: Signature maternity sessions can happen in-home or on-location. On-location mini maternity sessions are at one of three Marin locations and can only be booked with a newborn session. Studio mini maternity sessions are available for all families and happen at my Sausalito studio. Select a date between 32-36 weeks of pregnancy.
IN-HOME FAMILY SESSIONS: I try to meet all new families in-home, especially my families with kids that are slow to warm. I find that kids are more comfortable at home where they are already familiar with the space, they have lots of extra clothes and snacks available, and safe spaces for kids to take a break when they need one. This translates to better photos of your family and includes one of the most important places in your lives, your home!
OUTDOOR FAMILY SESSION: While I highly recommend in-home for new families, if you have kids that are outgoing and excited to meet new people, you might be a fit for an outdoor session. You might also want to go this route if I've already photographed your family.
STUDIO: Studio sessions are available at my Sausalito studio in Marin County twice a month. Studio sessions can be used for mini family, mini maternity, simple newborn or kids portraits. I also run special seasonal set-ups like school portraits, Halloween costume photos and holiday pajama sessions. The best way to keep updated on studio dates is to sign-up for my newsletter. I release dates about 8 weeks in advance for studio portrait sessions.
PHOTO PACKAGES: If you are interested in booking multiple sessions in a year for things like maternity, fresh 48, newborn and milestones, reach out to chat about your options and available discounts!
PRODUCTS AND GIFTS: Have you already had a session or sessions with me and are looking to order prints, albums or gifts? You can click here to see a la carte product offerings, and if you don’t see something you want, let me know!
I announce date releases a few months before each season, as well as any specials to my newsletter first, so join my mailing list to get first dibs!
Still have questions? Interested in additional dates not shown? I'm here to help! Reach out to me here.

Not ready to book?
Are you interested in newborn or maternity sessions but aren’t pregnant yet? Waiting to finish a remodel before your in-home family session? Just had your newborn shoot and want to get a head start on fall session scheduling?
It’s the only place where you’ll find out about special things happening around here. You’ll also get first dibs when dates are released for the next season!