Why Choose an In-Home Family Photoshoot?

When I first started photographing San Francisco families in-home many, many years ago, it wasn't really a thing in lifestyle photography unless you had a newborn. At the time, I just had a gut feeling that was drawing me to in-home work. I loved photographing my own family in our home, and when it came time to hire a photographer, I welcomed her into our apartment.

Over the years, I've realized what it is that draws me to in-home work.Your home is a sacred space. It is where you brought your babies home, where you've stepped on their LEGOs, where you've cried over the hard days, and held their little hands at night. People worry that their homes are too small, or not cute enough or don't have good light. I'm here to tell you that none of that matters. I mean, yes, you definitely need to hire a photographer that is confident in even the smallest and darkest of homes. Once you find someone you trust, though, let them work their magic. I can promise you that once you release the fears you have about shooting in-home, you will be so glad you made the choice.

You'll have tangible memories within the walls that hold so many stories. One of the photos in this post, for example, has a blurred out image of a woman on a train in the background. The mom later told me that this image I took was her favorite of the whole shoot. It was in her daughter's nursery, yes, but it showed them now in front of one of the most meaningful pictures she has. The one she took right after they found out they were pregnant. Moments like that don't happen in a field. They don't happen at a location that a photographer randomly chooses for you. They happen in your home.

Here are some of my favorite reasons to choose an in-home family photoshoot:

  • Meaningful moments- As I’ve already mentioned in this post, choosing an in-home family photoshoot means that you are automatically in a place that holds so much meaning for you. You can read in the chair that you read to your kids every night. Your kids can snuggle their lovey in their bed. We can have a snack at your dining room table where you fed your kids their first food. It’s all bursting at the seams with sentimental moments waiting to happen.

  • Comfort- All kids are more comfortable at home. If your kiddo is shy, this is especially important, because everything won’t be new in addition to having a new person asking them to do things (fun things, but things nonetheless). If your kiddo is easily distracted, this is also great because they don’t have a whole new area to explore on location and they can focus on the shoot and having fun with their family.

  • Ease for parents- When we are in your home, we have everything you could possibly need at your disposal. We have snacks, extra binkies, extra clothes and favorite toys. We also have a safe space to retreat to or put a kid who is having a hard time while we get other images of other family members where they are comfortable and is baby-proofed! Being at home also means you just have to open the door for me! No commuting to a session and loading up everyone in the car.

From distracted high-energy kids, to slow to warm kids, to neurodivergent kids, to awkward adults, all families can benefit from choosing an in-home family photoshoot and it’s my personal choice for our family almost every year for all of these reasons and so many more!

As a San Francisco family photographer who specializes in in-home work and regularly teaches about in-home photography (I even have my own course teaching other photographers about it!), if you are in the Bay Area and are interested in this type of shoot, I am your gal! I’ve shot in homes big and small, with virtually no light to lots of light, with all kinds of families and kids. You can see my in-home portfolio here, and if you are ready to take the plunge…


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