Why We Need More Pictures of Moms
Do you want to know the real reason I became a photographer?
Sure, I love to take pictures. Yes, I love the art. Yes, I am creative. I definitely love the business side.
The real reason, though, is to get moms in the picture with their kids. I cannot tell you how many adorable pictures I have of my husband and my kids. My husband with my kids in front of something meaningful, my husband having candid, joyful moments with my kids, my husband enjoying the everyday with the girls in tow. Yes, I pay to get my picture taken once a year, of course I do. I know the value in having family photos taken, trust me. But what I really want? More than once a year? Pictures of me and my kids. It's why I started the Hey, Look! #itsmomchallenge on instagram. The challenge is aimed at helping moms remember to get in the picture.
Every May, I ask people to get in a picture or video with at least one of their kids every single day in May. In addition to making sure we get more pictures of moms into the world, it also teaches us to ask strangers, or our partners, or even our older kids how to use a camera and asking regularly to be in the picture.
We do so much work at home and in our lives to make sure our children have full, amazing lives, and we have very little evidence of it. How are they going to remember how you hugged them just so, or how they helped you unload the dishwasher? It's up to us to make sure those moments are documented. If you haven't already joined in on the challenge, there's still time. Being in the picture with your kids is so important.
So important, in fact, that in addition to the instagram challenge, I also host motherhood portrait sessions for moms every year in Marin. Sometimes they are held in studio, and sometimes outdoors. This year, they were held in the Mission Loft in San Francisco. I had so many amazing moms and their kids get in front of the camera, including this family with four adorable girls.
If you want in on these minis and all of my special sessions throughout the year, sign up for my newsletter here. All of my announcements go out through there.
If you want to learn how to take better pictures of your kids and get in the frame more often, Tenley Clark and I created an online photography class for parents to help you do just that.