Back to School Pictures

Every single year, I take photos of my kids on their first day of school and it always goes the same, I pull out my camera and…’mom, can we goooooo?!’ as we rush out the door. Forget trying to get the pictures with their little chalkboard for the year update. Then the light is bad and they are anxious to go and it’s just one more stressful thing on top of a chaotic day.


It doesn’t have to be that way!

What if I told you that you could get those new school year pictures in a fun environment, while their back to school outfits and backpacks are still clean, and you can have a great time and even get ice cream after with no stress?

Well, you can!

This year, I am hosting Back to School picture days at my Sausalito studio! These can be booked alone, or better yet, booked after your family mini session so you can knock out family photos for the year and get some stellar photos of your kids, too!

Each child will have 10 minutes dedicated to portraits of them. You can bring in their backpacks and have them wear their first day of school outfit. I also have a sign to have them fill in their updated information for the new school year. We can take some of the back to school pictures with those props, and we should still have plenty of time to get traditional portraits of your kids, too (because we all know we can’t exactly count on the annual school photos to get a stellar real smile from your kids).

These pictures are on a classic white background and are edited true-to-life, focusing on your child and their personality in each portrait.

Have multiple kiddos? No problem! Just book them back to back and we will fit some sibling photos in there, too! Sibling discounts are available.

You can book your Back to School Picture session here, under the studio section, or select it as an add-on to your family, maternity or newborn studio session!


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