Cristin More Photography

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Vacation Photo Tips

…and actually be in them!

That's right! We are giving you our favorite tips for getting better photos on vacation. This summer I think we all are cherishing it all more than ever so we want you to be able to document all of your vacay moments big and small perfectly!

If a location is super crowded try going back at sunrise or sunset to get better pictures without the crowd.

Find spots that say where you are without words and then let your kids interact with it instead of the traditional pose.

One of my best vacation photo tips if that before I go on any trip, I spend some time researching on Pinterest, Yelp and Instagram to see if there are any cool spots nearby. I found this cute, hidden sign that just happened to be at a nearby hotel while in Hawaii doing this.

It’s easy to want to get the big picture when you’re at a beautiful spot but the details are so important to the overall story. These little things will transport you back to that moment, like when your little one was so excited to dine on fine china in London.

The most common thing I see people do with landmark photos is try to take them amongst a crowd and very close to it. This will result not only in lots of people being in your image but also either you won’t be able to get the whole thing in your picture or your subject will be really small in the frame. Try moving away from it to get the landmark in the background while having your subject stay the focal point by filling more of the frame. Or try finding a different side where less people are battling for ‘the shot’.

If you've enjoyed these vacation photo tips, there's plenty more where they came from in our online photography class for parents to learn how to take better pictures of their kids and get in the frame! We will show things like how get flattering shots of you while in the frame, how to get passed the awkward smile with your kids and get great interactive shots, and how to add to your memories by making little home videos to remember your trip too! There's even presets with editing video to help show you how to edit those MANY pictures you'll take quickly and easily to make them shine!

Learn about it here!